Watch your AT&T bill, complain, and win
They're back to the same shenanigans they're known for
I live in Houston, and I’m a huge fan of AT&T Fiber. It’s the first time I was legitimately glad to have an AT&T Service. It seemed like they were focusing on their customers rather than their monopoly power to raise revenues.
I signed up for their fiber service when I bought my home in 2021. At the time I was paying $45.00 a month. With surcharges that took it to $46.02. I had to go back and look up this number, because over the years they started charging for an equipment fee that I couldn’t get removed, and then they raised the price of their service. I called up once before and they said they no longer offered the prior rate. They kept turning up the heat until we got to this,
Same service only four years later.
Today I saw this offer on their website,
That’s effectively $65 w/ a $10 discount for ACH autopay.
Effectively the same service I ordered, four years ago. And, it’s still “not an introductory offer.”

I called up to complain again. They said they could offer me that rate if I bundled wireless. I was informed that that wasn’t the advertised deal on their website. I told them I wanted to cancel. They came back to $45.00/month.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. A saving of $35 a month is $420 a year. Not bad for a simple 30 minute call.