Oh my god thank you. It’s so embarrassing to watch right now. I wrote about this in a different context, but my conclusion was they have a track record of shooting themselves with a rocket launcher. It’s tiring and embarrassing.

I believe in harm reduction. But don’t ask me to be enthusiastic about these people ever again.

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I also believe in harm reduction. I just have to be convinced they're actually going to reduce harm. Instead, what they want to do is frame harm as if they would be different on it while maintaining a track record that says otherwise and steering the ship in the same direction.

All that f*ing idiot had to say was "It's a genocide. I break with Biden on Palestine. I will stop all arms shipments immediately and support the ICC and ICJ investigations." Instead she blamed the other guy for stroking fascism while she had blood on her hands. I'm not sure that would be enough. But, how can you even consider voting for a candidate you believe is enabling a genocide. I want Trump to lose. But I'm disappointed that 75M people wanted Trump to lose so bad they found it acceptable to to vote for genocide.

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Look man, I voted for her, because of the shit we’re seeing right now. But also that was pretty much the last ditch effort to at least slow the decline because of how fucking horrible everything is right now.

However, they fucking brought this on all of us starting from not prosecuting trump literally from the beginning. And everything fucking after that. Time and time again they had chances to stop this farce, and they couldn’t be assed to. Because they either think we are fucking stupid or they just don’t give a fuck.

Palestine was a massive factor, not only in the way they treated the situation, but also in the way that they treated the protesters. It really showed everyone watching who they really were. Real mask-off shit. The disdain for the protesters was fucking palpable.

And they’re still doing it with transfolk right now, throwing them under the fucking bus, instead of realizing that “Trump Bad” didn’t work the first time, and it only worked for Biden because we were fucking tired. They’ve been pushing status quo since 2016, with another unlikable candidate.

So, instead of actually doing anything of value, they’re debating about good fucking billionaires and sending funding emails when they won’t stop sucking trump’s dick.

Sorry for the rant. Every day is a fucking horror show and I’m tired of never feeling safe.

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Not vote shaming, never will. I just don't understand how the bar can get that low to begin with. Anyway, I intend to do everything possible to make sure that if the Democrats come back as a viable party, they're actually held to standards. Everyone can get on board with this "stop Trump" bandwagon, but they'll get no unity from me if they're maintaining the same shit positions.

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Amen to that! And stop trump is and was a fucking stupid hinge on this bullshit. For the last 8 years I feel like I have a fucking gun to my head where’s I’m asked to vote for a rabid dog or a fucking goose. Both are bad but one will fuck you up worse.

I hated Hilary. Have since I heard her in the debates in 07/08. (my first election. What a time to be alive then). She brought no new ideas and was legacy. Biden, same, and then the 11th hour Kamala switch. It’s fucking maddening.

I just want fucking healthcare and to not be crushed under student loan debt.

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